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Questions by Category: "Ideas"
List Layout of Apptivo allows you to customize the layout of the records that helps to arrange the information of the records as per your business preferences. It guarantees the exact d...more
The Ideas App of Apptivo allows you to automatically generate an action whenever a certain condition matches the idea record. You can configure it to generate an action when an idea is ...more
Ideas App in Apptivo is a well-defined platform to develop your Ideas. A project comes into force only after going through multiple ideas. An organization has multiple Employees and eve...more
Choose the Notifications icon from the App Header in the Ideas app. You will be navigated to the Notifications page. You can get both the News Feed and Email notification whe...more
Go to the “Ideas App” from your universal navigation menu bar. Click on the “More(...)” menu and choose “Settings”. Once you click the settings, click the “Idea...more
Go to the Ideas App from the App header bar. Select the Settings icon from the App Header of the Ideas App. In the Settings page, go to Emails → Email Templates from the le...more
Apptivo helps you to associate with all the other apps. You can perform the conversion by associating apps according to your needs. Ideas app helps you to create Conversion by letting y...more
Ideas App allows you to customize the Actions, where you can give privilege access to the authorized user to perform a particular action on their account. Steps to Customize the Actions...more
The Ideas App provides a point for your business to form and collaborate on ideas to improve the operations of your business. Ideas App Collaboration helps you to customize the “Show...more
Choose the Notifications icon from the App Header in the Ideas app. You will be navigated to the Notifications page. You can get both the News Feed and Email notification whe...more
Choose the Notifications icon from the App Header in the Ideas app. You will be navigated to the Notifications page. You can get both the News Feed and Email notification whe...more
Indicate whether you want to manually specify or automatically generate an Idea number while creating an idea. You can use this feature to generate the numbers for your ideas and helps ...more
The Ideas App provides a place for your entire company to document and collaborate on ideas to improve the operations of your business. Steps to create new market Log in and access I...more
The ideas app of Apptivo allows you to store your ideas regarding your business. So, that you could store and implement your ideas flawlessly. You can also customize the available featu...more
Steps to view ideas by market Log in and access Ideas App from your universal navigation menu bar. Click on By Market” from left navigation panel. The list of markets c...more