What is the Meaning of “bounce” in Email Campaigns?

Updated on February 12, 2018 08:46PM by Admin

Every business organizer make use of email marketing tool for launch campaigns. Once campaign is launched then you guys start tracking statistical reports of each mail. Most of the times you see that status of some mail “Bounced”. When an email is “Bounced”, it is not delivered to your recipient’s inbox.

When an email bounces, it can be one of two possibilities:

  • Soft Bounce
  • Hard Bounce

Soft Bounces

This type of bounce possibilities occur at a time of temporary issue, whenever your recipient’s server dismiss the email due to following reasons such as

  • Recipient’s email address not exist
  • Temporary mail server isn’t available in working condition
  • Mailbox of recipients have no space to get a new arrival’s
  • If you send email continuous 5 unsuccessful mail then it will be converted into hard bounce.

Hard Bounces

This type of bounce is some what more dangerous because email will be flagged due to consecutive unsuccessful email send to recipients and also what email message you’re sent that completely return back to you because of recipient’s address is invalid. Some more reasons are

  • Your recipient mail address no longer exist
  • Recipient domain name doesn’t exist
  • Once your email flagged, you can’t send mail again to same email address

What Happens to Contacts When an Email is Bounced

Whenever an email is bounced, that email will be flagged on the contact record as shown here:

Once flagged, the contact will remain a part of all target lists & campaigns, but all future attempts to email them will be ignored, until you add a new valid email address.

How to Control Your Email Bounce Rate

Maintaining a low bounce rate for your campaigns is very important, so here are the precautionary steps you can take to control your bounce rate:

  • Provide valid email recipient address
  • Use correct domain name
  • Don’t send email again and again, incase your email not successfully received to receiver.

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