How do I change the billing method of the project?

Updated on September 12, 2016 05:48AM by Admin

The project billing method can be changed or updated frequently. But if you generate an invoice or timesheet for the project you cannot change the billing method. This can be done only if you void the invoices associated with that project.

Steps to edit and update project billing method

  1. Log in and access Projects App from your universal navigation menu bar.
    Projects dashboard
  2. Create new project or select the project that you would like to change the project billing method.
    billing method
  3. If you want to change the billing method for the project that has been already invoiced. You need to view the associated invoices and void them.
  4. Please follow the steps to view associated invoices ingiven in this help guide:
  5. Click on the associated invoices, you will be directed to Invoices App, void the invoice using "Void" button. You will receiveVoid_messagesuccess message.
    void invoice
  6. Once you get this message:
    void success
  7. Click on "Back to Projects" button to navigate Projects App, now you are allowed to edit the billing method as shown in the image below:
    billing method changed