How do I generate an estimate from opportunities?

Updated on May 18, 2020 12:44AM by Admin

  • Log in and access Opportunities App in your universal navigation menu bar. 
  • Create a new opportunity or select an opportunity.
  • You can view the opportunity with created information.
  • Click on the Convert button and select To Estimate from a list.

  • You will be directly redirected to the Create Estimate page in the Estimates app with the provided information from the Opportunities app.
    • Customer - Name of the customer. It will be pre-populated from the Opportunities App.
    • Contact - Name of the contact. It will be pre-populated from the Opportunities App.
    • Estimate # - This is an auto-generated or manually entered number to specify an estimate.
Create Estimate

  • You can view the opportunity's item of interest is pre-populated to the Estimates.
Items Sold

  • Click on the Create button to complete.

  • Your Estimates will get converted from the Opportunities.
Estiates Created

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