Does Apptivo offer training?

Updated on November 11, 2020 12:39AM by Admin

Yes, Apptivo provides an end-user training program for all Apptivo apps. You can choose the apps that are suitable for your business needs for training sessions, by using the QuickStart Setup training program.

Apptivo hosts personalized online training sessions for customers that are looking to expand their business by learning some of the key applications and its features of Apptivo that add value to their business operations.

Apptivo has one of the fastest processes to log on to the training sessions to implement a CRM Solution. Simply, select your preferred apps and book your training sessions at your time of convenience. Our interactive training program allows you to easily choose applications of your needs to book training sessions.

Implementation Training

As part of the Apptivo Implementation process, end-user training sessions are provided for ensuring a successful onboarding. Initial training on technology deployment, data migration, integrations, and application utilization will be given to the users by the Apptivo team.

Follow up Training

After the initial training session, the Services Team will schedule a follow-up training session with the clients. This is to get their feedback on the product usage and to offer solutions to their additional questions and/or any change requests.

In order to provide optimum service, Apptivo provides customers with Lifetime free support and our customer service team is available 24/7. The client inquiries will be addressed quickly by the helpdesk at any time and will be resolved immediately in the best manner possible.