How to sync a recurring event with Office 365 Calendar?

Updated on May 18, 2020 02:09AM by Admin

  • Log into your Apptivo Account from Office 365.
  • Go to the Calendar Activity. Here, select Create to create a new Event.
Create Event

  • In the Create Event Side panel, add the information related to the event. To create a recurring event, enable the Repeat toggle.

  • In the Repeat popup, set the recurring period.

Repeat - You can use this feature to set the repeats to be Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and Yearly.

Repeat Every - You can set the frequency of the repeat.

Repeat On - Based on the repeat duration, you can set the event to repeat every day, week, month, or year.

Ends - In the Repeat tab, you can set when the recurring of a particular event ends.

  • If the event is to repeat forever, you can set it as never.
  • If the event is to repeat for a particular number of times, you can see the number of occurrences.
  • If the recurring event has to end after a particular date, you can set the date.
  • Here, the repeat is configured to create a recurring event daily from August 1 to August 5.

  • Once the event is configured, select Create. You can see the event is added to the Calendar for the selected dates.
Calendar Page

Sync in Office 365

  • Now, log into your Office 365 account and navigate to the Calendar App.
Calendar App

  • When you navigate to the August Month in the Calendar, you can see the recurring event is added here.
Office 365 Sync

  • You can click on it to view a detailed description of the event.
Event Overview

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