Work Orders App in Apptivo allows you to reach out to customers on their concerns. You can send human resources to address their issues and also, keep track of their man-hours.
Intelligence Dashboard in Apptivo helps you to get real-time information. You can get all the information easily by using the Intelligence Dashboard feature. It provides information as a pictorial representation.
Step 1: Creating Charts
- Go to Settings → Intelligence → Charts → App in the Work Orders App to view the Charts Page.
- Here, you can either select create to create a new record or open an existing record. For Instance: Consider creating a new Bar chart.
- You will be redirected to the Bar Chart page.
- Create a name for the chart and set the privileges. Based on the selected Privileges, only those employees who have the selected privilege can view the chart.
- To have the chart displayed in the dashboard, turn on the enable feature.
- Once, the basic configuration is complete, navigate to the Inspector tab.
Inspector Tab
In the Inspector tab, you can perform multiple modifications to the chart.
- Title: You can create a title for the chart.
- Short Description: You can add a subtitle for the chart in this section.
- Background color: This field allows you to customize the background color for the chart.
- Height: Height section enables you to alter the height of the chart.
- Legend: Disabling it removes the legend from the chart.
- Value Restriction: You can set criteria for the values which are to be included in the chart.
- Here, the criteria are set to include the records only if the status is created.
- Once the criteria are set, you can set the X-Axis value.
- In the X-Axis, you can set the aggregation type as Count or Sum. You can also add a label for it from the label section.
- You can also set the X1 value. Here, the attribute is chosen as Work Order #and the name is added for the X-Axis.
- To add more than one attribute in the X-axis, click on the + icon.
- Once the attribute is set for X-Axis, you can set the attribute for Y-Axis.
- You can decide on the Data Type of Y-axis to be either Weekly, Monthly, discrete values or numeric range. Here, it is set as a Discrete value.
- The attribute chosen here is the Reported date.
- On saving it, a new chart will be created.
Step 2: Creating a Dashboard
- Once the Bar chart is created, it is mandatory to create a dashboard for the chart to reflect in the Opportunities App.
- Go to Settings → Intelligence → Dashboards → App in the Work Orders App to view the Dashboard Page. Select create to create a new dashboard.
- In the Create App Dashboard page, you can add the name, description of the dashboard while deciding the privilege.
- Once, the privilege is set, drag and drop a section from the palette tab followed by the desired chart.
- On clicking create, a new dashboard will be created.
- Now, navigate to the dashboards section in the Work Orders App. You can see the created dashboard Work Orders- January Chart listed.
- To filter out the records, you can click on the filter icon and determine the status based on which the record is to be filtered.
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