How to auto adjust the image in MJML email templates of Apptivo Campaigns app?

Updated on June 26, 2019 05:19AM by Admin

The Email/Message Templates are pre-defined message formats that you can send to your customers. You can design a Campaign email template according to your business requirements rather than sending plain text. Apptivo provides the option to auto adjust the image in templates to make your email look standardized.

Steps to Auto adjust the Image in Templates


  • If Default templates are available already in your account, it would show in the list or else click on the “Create” Button.
  • Please Choose any of the “Available Themes” for your email and click on “Next” Button.
Select Theme

  • Select an image in the template then the inspector tab will be highlighted. You can view the original width and height of the image. Now click the “Preview” button.
Image Ratio

  • The image shown below is the “Web/Tablet” view of the template.
Web or tablet view

  • In the “Smart Phone” view the image will appear to be stretched. The image will not fit in the mobile perfectly with the original width and height.
Smart phone view

  • Now, the width and height should be customized to auto adjust the image for smartphone view. Type in the text box of Width as “100%” and Height as “auto”. Then, click on “Preview”.
Email Template Image Ratio

  • You can view the auto-adjusted image in the Smartphone view as shown in the image below.

Auto adjusted image