How do I Highlight Tasks in Apptivo?

Updated on May 30, 2020 02:47AM by Admin

Consider you would like to highlight and filter the tasks that are due today.

Steps to Highlight the Tasks

  • Login to your Apptivo account. Click on the Tasks activity from the left navigation panel.
Home Page

  • Click on the “More” icon and select “Settings” located in the App header bar.
Tasks Page

  • Select the “General” dropdown and click on “Highlighting” from the left navigation panel.

  • Click on the “Create” button to create a new highlighting and specify:
    • Name - Highlighting name.
    • Priority Score - Priority score for the Highlighting rule. If this setting has more than one highlighting definition, then this score helps in prioritizing them.
    • Background Color - Select background Color.
    • Text Color - Select Text Color.
    • Description - Description of the Highlights.
Create Page

  • Define the criteria based on which a particular task is to be highlighted. The condition can be defined by selecting attributes and their equivalent values. Here, we are setting it to the following condition - Due Date = Current Day.

  • Click on the “Create” button to complete.
Highlight Created

  • Now, revert to the Tasks page. Select any view. Here, I have selected Table View. The tasks which match the criteria are highlighted.
Highlighted Tasks

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