How do I Customize Reports in License Tracker App?

Updated on February 6, 2017 02:21AM by Admin

If you want to show/ hide certain report(s) while viewing the license trackers reports, You can customize your Reports to enable / Disable from Reports dashboard.

  1. Go to More >> Settings >> General >> Reports.
  2. Now the reports dashboard displays a list of reports.
    For instance, if the user wants to hide License Tracker List report from his reports Dashboard, he can disable the toggle as shown in the image below:
  3. You can also set privileges for the reports to permit your employees to view and access reports.
    For instance, if the user needs to set a privilege only to viewing the reports to employees, he can create a privilege and assign to them.
  4. After creating the privilege go to Employees App to give access to particular employees.
  5. Please refer this link:
  6. Now, the employee has a privilege to view the reports in License Tracker App.