How can I Enable Last Contacted option in Contacts App?

Updated on August 2, 2017 11:05PM by Admin

The last time a call or email was send out for a contact will be logged in the last contacted field. This is automatically done by the "Last Contacted" field based on user actions in the contact record. 

Let's quickly go through the steps.

Steps to Enable "Last Contacted" Field in Contacts App

  1. Log in and access Contacts App from your universal navigation menu bar.
  2. Click on "More" -> "Settings" -> "Customize App" -> "Master Layout" and navigate to "Hierarchical View".
  3. Scroll down the view page and you can view the "Last Contacted" field as shown in the image below:
  4. By default "Last Contacted" field will be toggled off.
  5. Click on "Toggle ON" to enable the "Last Contacted" field in contacts page.
  6. Click on "Save" button to complete.
  7. Once you enable "Last Contacted" field, you can view the "Last Contacted" option in contacts overview page.

For instance: If you log a call that took place yesterday, the Last Contacted date will point to yesterday.

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