How do I Include Start and End Date in Estimates Taxes?

Updated on February 5, 2018 07:58PM by Admin


Steps to Include Start and End Date in Estimates Taxes

  1. Log in and access Estimates App from your universal navigation menu bar.
  2. Click on "Settings" icon located at the app header bar.
    estimate setting
  3. Click on "Taxes" from left navigation panel.
    estimates taxes
  4. Click on "Create Tax" button in taxes dashboard.
  5. You can view "Create Tax" popup, in which you can find:
    • Start Date - Provide start date for tax created (Mandatory)
    • End Date - Provide end date for tax created (Mandatory)
      estimates taxes start and end date
  6. Provide all information relating to taxes.
  7. Click on "Create" button to complete.

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