How do I Generate Report for Cases Sent by Customer Emails?

Updated on January 25, 2018 06:03AM by Admin

Apptivo Case App offers a simple way to generate a report from the emails sent by a customer. In the report dashboard, you will find a field named "Received Email Id". Enter the email address which is authenticated in Cases App (for instance: Define the start date and end date and click "View Report".

Lets go through the following steps to understand the concept better.

Steps to Generate Email Sent by Customers

  1. Log in and access Cases app from your Universal Navigation menu bar.
  2. Click on “Reports” icon located at the app header bar.
  3. Select "Cases Metrics" Drop down and then Click on “Email Messages” from the left navigation panel.
  4. Provide the following information:
    • Receiving Email id – Email address (authenticated email address) from which the cases are created, will be displayed in the ascending order.
    • Start Date – Start date.
    • End Date – End date.
  5. Click on "View Report" button to view case reports in dashboard.

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