How do I Generate Report for Sales Commission in Invoices App?

Updated on April 18, 2018 12:23AM by Admin

Paying a sales commission is a way of compensating salespeople. Apptivo supports sales commission in three ways in Invoices reports. They are as follows.

  1. Sales Commission Reports for a Period
  2. Sales Commission Reports for a Customer
  3. Sales Commission Reports for a Sales Rep
Lets have a look at the following steps to generate sales commission report.

Steps to Generate the Sales Commission Report

  1. Log in and access Invoices App from your universal navigation menu bar.
  2. Click on "Reports"  from left navigation panel.
  3. You would view "General", "Revenue Report " and "Tax Report".

Sales Commission Reports for a Period

It extracts the report for the particular interval. All the invoices created within that period are extracted with the attributes of “Invoice#, Customer, Product, Quantity, Unit price, Amount, commission".

  1. Click on “Sales Commission Reports” in "General".
  2. Select "By Period" from the drop down.
  3. Specify “Start Date” and “End Date”.
  4. Click on “View Report” button to view results.

Sales Commission Report for a Customer

It extracts the report for the particular customer. All the invoices created for the customer in the given period are extracted with the attributes of “Invoice#, Customer, Product, Quantity, Unit price, Amount, commission".

  1. Click on “Sales Commission Reports ” in "General".
  2. Select "By Customer" from the drop down.
    report by customer
  3. Specify the following:
    • Customers Name - Name of the customer.
    • Start Date - Start date.
    • End Date - End date.
    view report
  1. Click on “View Report” to view results.
    sales commission report

Sales Commission Report for a Sales Rep

It extracts the report for the particular employee. All the invoices created by the employee in the given period are extracted with the attributes of “Invoice#, Customer, Product, Quantity, Unit price, Amount, commission".

  1. Click on “Sales Commission Reports” in "General".
  2. Select "By Sales Rep." from the drop down.
    sales commission rep
  3. Specify the following:
    • Sales Rep. Name - Name of the employee.
    • Start Date - Start date.
    • End Date - End date.
    view report
  1. Click on “View Report” to view results.
    sales rep