Can I send an Invoice PDF to my Customers?

Updated on December 20, 2016 03:26AM by Admin

Yes, you can send PDF to customer; by default invoice PDF will be attached when you send an email to customer. The customer can access invoice through his email and either he can make his payment online or through other modes. Configure and PayPal payment methods from Invoices App settings.

Steps to Send Invoice as PDF Format

  1. Log in and access Invoices App from your universal navigation menu bar.  
  2. Create an Invoice by entering all fields, and click on “Save for later” button.
  3. Click “By status” and select “Draft” from the left navigation.
    Select an invoice
  4. Now, select an invoice using check box against it and click on “Send” button found at the top.
  5. You can view the email popup with an "Compose" as shown in the image below:
    PDF attachment
  6. Provide the email address of your client and click “Send” button to send.
  7. The customer can view the PDF as shown in the image below:
    Payment options in PDF