You can Bulk import the records of your workorders in Apptivo with ease. There may be situations where you had your workorders recorded in other files and now you would like to add them into the WorkOrders app. All you need is a CSV file with you, now follow the steps and get your records in the WorkOrders app!
Steps to Import WorkOrders:
- Log in and access the WorkOrders App from your universal navigation menu bar.
- Click on the More(...) icon and select the Import icon located at the app header bar.
- You could see the CSV Imports from the left panel and click on the Import button.
- Click on the Browse button and select the CSV file from your computer and click on Next.
- Map workorder fields to respective CSV fields, as shown in the below instance. Make sure to map the mandatory custom fields.
- After mapping all fields, as shown in the below instance, hit the Import button to import records.
- While importing, you'll have to map mandatory files, or else you'll receive a warning popup that alerts you to do the same. Mandatory fields are as follows: Reported Date, Customer, Task Name, Hours, Rate, Item Name, Item Qty, and Item Rate.
- In the case of mandatory fields not having values, they will be added to exceptions. If error records are added to exceptions, they will be ignored and available to download later.
- If you want to continue, click on the Add to exceptions and proceed button or click on the Back button, to include mandatory fields.
- There are four validations to do import:
- Mandatory Values - Validates mandatory value association.
- Data Format – Validates data format issues in CSV.
- Duplicates – Validates duplicates in CSV.
- Reference Format – Validates the association of other objects. This will associate existing objects; if there are new objects found in CSV, you are allowed to create new objects.
- Click on the Proceed button for each step.
- Once the reference data completes, click on the Proceed button to import records. (If you want to stop the import using the abort option).
- After proceeding, the system will display the following counts:
- # of Records - Total count of workorder records found in a file(CSV).
- # of Del Rec - Count of deleted records at the time of validating the leads.
- # of Ignored - Count of ignored records which are added to the exceptions at the time of mapping.
- Here, you can view the total number of records, the number of deleted records and the number of ignored records. Click on the Start Import button.
- The completed CSV file will be listed as shown in the image below, from where you will download the records using the Download icon found next to the columns(Total Records, Ignored Records, Failed Records).
- You can check the number of successful records imported, failed records, and ignored records which can be downloaded as a separate CSV file for later import.