By using the Purchase Orders app of apptivo, you can create and store all your purchased orders in one central place. The Apptivo Intelligence Dashboards for Purchase Orders app allows you to create custom dashboards to visualize and analyze your data.
To add the Intelligence Dashboard please follow these steps.
Steps to Create Chart
- Login and access the Purchase Orders App from the universal menu.
- Click on the More(...) icon and select Settings.
- On the settings page, click on the Intelligence → Charts → App.
- Click on the Create button and select the Column Chart.
- You will be redirected to the Create Column chart.
- Enter the Name for the Chart and set the Privilege.
Note: Based on the Selected Privileges of the Purchase Orders, the employee will have access to the Charts.
- Enable the Toggle to display the chart in the Dashboard.
- Then, you can customize the Chart.
- Change the Title and the Sub Title of the Chart in the Title and Short Description section.
- Background color: You can customize the background color for the chart.
- Height: The height section enables you to alter the height of the chart.
- Legend: Disabling, removes the legend from the chart.
- Then, Enable the Value Restriction to set criteria for the values which are to be included in the chart.
- Here, set the Criteria on Value Restriction: Condition to include the records only if the purchase orders are created by the selected person.
- Once the criteria are set, click on the Create button.
- In the X-Axis, you can set the Data type as Monthly, Weekly, Discrete Values, and Numeric Ranges. You can also add a label for it from the label section.
- You can also set the X Data Attribute value. Here, the attribute is chosen as the Data Type is Time(Monthly) and the Attribute is PO Date.
- Once the attribute is set for X-Axis, you can set the attribute for Y-Axis.
- You can set the Aggregation Type of the Y-axis to be either Sum or Count. Here, it is set as a Sum.
- In the attribute chosen as the Total.
- Then, click on the Filter Tab, and enable the Filter.
- Here, the Status attribute is selected for the Filter option.
- Then, click on the Create button.
- You can view the Created chart on the List.
Step 2: Create a Dashboard
- Once the Column chart is created, it is mandatory to create a dashboard for the chart to reflect in the Purchase Orders App.
- On the Settings page, click on the Intelligence → Dashboards → App.
- Click on the Create button to create a new dashboard.
- You will be redirected to the Create App Dashboard page, and add the Name, and Description of the dashboard.
- Using the drag and drop a section from the Palette tab followed by the desired chart.
- Click on the Section Name, you will be navigated to the Inspector tab on the right side.
- Edit the name of the section in the Inspector Tab.
- Then, click on the Create button.
- The new dashboard will be created and you can view the Created Dashboard in the list.
- Now, go to the Dashboard section in the Purchase Orders App.
- You can see the created dashboard - Purchase Orders Amount Chart.
- To filter out the records, you can click on the Filter icon and determine the status based on which the record is to be filtered.
- Click on the View Chart button as shown below.
- You can also download the chart in CSV format by clicking on the hamburger icon.
- Now the downloaded data will be shown as below.