Instead of deleting the supplier invoice, you can void it. You can view the deleted invoices in the Trash folder. On the Trash page, you can restore the supplier invoices, and you can delete the selected Invoices forever. Let’s go through the steps to delete the supplier invoice with Void status.
Steps to configure
- Login and access the Supplier Invoices app from the universal navigation bar.
- Click on the By Status → Void from the left navigation panel.
- On the By Status page, click on the More Actions option.
- On the Supplier Invoice overview page, click on the Delete button to delete the Supplier Invoice.
- You can view the Warning pop-up window, with a warning message “Are you sure you want to delete the Supplier Invoices?”
- Click on the Yes button. By clicking on the ayes button, the supplier invoice is moved to the trash folder.
- Select Trash from the App Header.
- You can view the deleted supplier invoice on the Trash page.
- By clicking on the Delete Forever button, the supplier invoice gets deleted permanently and you can view there are no supplier invoices on the dashboard.