How to create an Intelligence Dashboard and Charts in Custom App?

Updated on May 4, 2021 08:27AM by Admin

Apptivo Intelligence Dashboards for Custom app gives you the ability to visualize and analyze your data using custom dashboards. You can create and customize dashboards to get a simpler overview of the real-time information about your current business process in the form of charts and tables.

To add the Intelligence Dashboard, please follow these steps.

  • Create a Chart
  • Create a New Dashboard

Steps to Create Charts

  • Login and access the Custom App from the universal menu.
  • Here, the custom app is named Business Contacts.
  • Click on the More(...) icon and select Settings.
Business Contacts

  • On the Settings page, click on the Intelligence → Charts → App.
  • Click on the Create button and select the Column Chart.

  • You will be redirected to the Create Column chart.
  • Enter the Name for the Chart and set the Privileges.

Note: Based on the Selected Privileges of the custom, the employee will have access to the Charts.



  • Enable the Toggle to display the chart in the Dashboard.
  • Then, you can customize the Chart.
    • Change the Title and the Sub Title of the Chart in the Title and Short Description section.
    • Background color: You can customize the background color for the chart.
    • Height: The height section enables you to alter the height of the chart.
    • Legend: Disabling it removes the legend from the chart.
Inspector Tab

  • Then, Enable the Value Restriction to set criteria for the values which are to be included in the chart.
  • Click on the Condition.

  • Here, set the Criteria on Value Restriction: Condition to include the records only if the contacts are created in the last 5 months.
  • Once the criteria are set, click on the Create button.
Value Restriction

  • In the X-Axis, you can set the Data type as Monthly, Weekly, Discrete Values, and Numeric Ranges. You can also add a label for it from the label section.
  • You can also set the X Data Attribute value. Here, the attribute is chosen as the Data Type is Time(Monthly) and the Attribute is Created On.
X Axis

  • Once the attribute is set for X-Axis, you can set the attribute for Y-Axis.
  • You can set the Aggregation Type of the Y-axis to be either Sum or Count. Here, it is set as a Count.
  • In the attribute chosen as the Status.
Y Axis

  • Then, click on the Filter Tab, enable the Filter.
  • Here, the Created by and Status attributes are selected for the Filter option.
  • Then, Click on the Create button.

  • You can view the Created chart on the List.

Step 2: Create a Dashboard

Once the Column chart is created, it is mandatory to create a dashboard for the chart to reflect in the customs App.

  • On the Settings page, click on the Intelligence → Dashboards → App.
  • Click on the create button to create a new dashboard.

  • You will be redirected to the Create App Dashboard page, add the name, description of the dashboard.
Add Chart

  • Using the drag, and drop a section from the palette tab followed by the desired chart.
Section Name

  • Click on the Section Name, you will be navigated to the Inspector tab on the right side.
  • Edit the name of the section in the Inspector Tab.
  • Then, click on the create button.

  • The new dashboard will be created, and you can view the Created Dashboard in the list.

  • Now, go to the dashboards section in the Custom App.
  • You can see the created dashboard - Potential Contacts Dashboard.
  • To filter out the records, you can click on the filter icon and determine the status based on which the record is to be filtered.
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