The Apptivo’s Tasks app allows you to create a recurring task for the activities to be done periodically. You can manage those recurring tasks from your Android application without any hassle. It also allows you to edit the recurring tasks from your Android application conveniently.
Steps to Edit Recurring Tasks
- Login and access the Tasks app from your Android application.
- Select any recurring task from the list.
- From the overview page, click on the hamburger menu on the right side of the page.
- Update the changes as per your need. Here, the status of the recurring tasks is changed as scheduled.
- Click on the update button to update the changes.
- Only this Task - By selecting this, the changes will get updated only in the current tasks and the other upcoming tasks will remain the same.
- Following Tasks - By selecting this, the changes will get updated on the current tasks as well as the upcoming tasks.
- All Tasks - By selecting this, the changes will get updated in all tasks including the pasts and upcoming tasks.
- The current tasks will get updated.
- You can view the updated changes on the upcoming tasks as well.