How to upload a large file from my Windows application in Apptivo?

Updated on March 20, 2021 06:44AM by Admin

The Windows app of Apptivo allows you to upload files from your native files and images on your Windows application. You can upload up to 20MB files from your Windows devices conveniently.

Steps to upload a file

  • Navigate to the Documents App in the Apptivo Windows All-In-One mobile app.
  • Here, select My Documents to view your existing documents.
  • Click on the Create(+) icon and select Upload.
My Documents

  • On the My Documents popup, select the Upload button.
Large File

  • You will be redirected to the File Manager of your device. Select the required document.
File Manager

  • The document will be added to the My Documents list. Here, we have uploaded an 18MB file.