The visibility condition in Apptivo helps you to set the condition for attributes to be performed under the specific conditions. You can specify the condition for displaying or hiding the given field with this function. Additionally, you can set multiple criteria as per your preferences.
For instance: Consider configuring the Conditional Visibility for an existing field, Support Plan, in the Master Layout for Cases App.
Steps to Follow
- In the Cases app, click on the More(...) icon and select Settings.
- On the Settings page, click on the Customize app and select the Master Layout.
- From the Master Layout, click on any drop-down attribute.
- You will be redirected to the Inspector tab on the right-hand side.
- Scroll down the inspector tab to view the Visibility Condition section.
- Enable the Condition Toggle, you can view the Set Criteria button.
- You can view the Set Criteria pop up to set the visibility condition for the selected attribute.
- Here, the condition is set as the Type of Case as Technical Issues then the support plan attribute will be displayed.
- When the case is created for the type of Technical issues then, the support plan attributes will be displayed.
- If the cases are created under other types, the support plan will not be displayed.