How do I Generate a report of Cases Handled by an Employee within the SLA by the sender metrics?

Updated on June 27, 2023 10:25PM by Admin

A service-level agreement (SLA) is a part of a service contract where a service is formally defined. In practice, the term SLA is at times used to refer to the contracted delivery time. Service level agreements allow you to add SLAs for your customers. You can also view the total number of cases handled by an employee within SLA by using the reports option.

Steps to Generate a Report on Cases Handled by an Employee within the SLA by the sender metrics:

  • Log in and access the Cases App from your universal navigation menu bar.
  • Click on the Reports icon located at the app header bar.
Cases - Reports icon
  • Select the Cases Metrics for Sender drop-down and then click on Cases handled by an Employee within the SLA from the left navigation panel.
Cases - Cases handled within SLA
  • Provide the following information:
    • Sender Domain - The Domain of the sender email.
    • Sender Email Id - The email id of the sender.
    • Employee - Name of the employee.
    • Start Date - Start Date.
    • End Date - End Date.
  • Here, I would like to generate the report for the emails that are received in the last 8 days from the domain “”.
  • Click on the View Report button to view the report on the dashboard.
Cases - View Report
  • By clicking on the View Report, you can view the report summary.
  • In that, you can view the following summary.
    • Total Number of Cases
    • Total Number of Cases resolved within SLA
    • Percentage of Cases resolved within SLA
    • Total Number of Cases resolved outside SLA
    • Email Within SLA %
    • Total Number of Cases auto closed
  • You can also view the percentage of the total number of Cases Handled by an Employee within SLA. Along with the Average First Response Time which is given based on the average of the first response time done within the work shift hours.

 Average 1st response time = Sum of First Response Time / Total Number of Tickets with First Response Times


Cases - Generated Report

  • You’ll be provided with the following columns:
    • Sender Email ID: The sender’s (your customer’s) Email ID.
    • To be Resolved Time: The target time is given for the case resolution. It calculates based on the SLA assigned to the case.
    • First Response Time: The time elapsed between a customer raising a ticket and an employee first responding to it.
      • If the response is not given within the employee’s work shift the column value will be taken as 00:00.
      • If the response is not given at all then the column value will be blank.
    • Resolved within SLA: This is a yes/no column. Let you know whether the case is resolved within the defined SLA time.
    • Time Taken to Close Case (24*7): The duration between when the case is created and when it is closed. Calculates 24*7, including reopening to case closure, regardless of business hours.
    • Time Taken to Close Case (including Business Hours): The duration between when the case is created and when it is closed. Calculates based on business hours, including reopening to case closure.
Time Taken to Close the Case
  • Click on the Export button to export them into spreadsheet format.
  • You can export the report in the following ways:
    • All Fields: Exports all the fields present in the report.
    • Current view: Exports only the fields present in the Currently showing report.
Cases - Export
  • You can view the export report as shown below in XLS format.
Cases - Exported sheet