The Currency Code Source helps you to update the other currency field based on the source currency attribute automatically.
Steps to Configure
- Login and access the Opportunities app from the universal menu.
- Click on the More(...) icon and select the Settings.
- From the Settings page, click on the Customize app and select the Master Layout.
- On the Master Layout, drag and drop the Custom Currency field and Enable the Allow Override toggle.
- Then, drag and drop the second custom currency field.
- Click on that to view the Inspector tab.
- Select Currency 1 attribute in the Currency Code Source drop-down and Enable the Allow Override and Automatic Conversion Toggle.
- Save the Changes.
- Now in the creation/overview pages, Currency 2 will be automatically converted by selecting the desired currency in the Currency 1 field.
- You can also do the same update from your iOS application.
- Here, by selecting the desired currency on Currency 1, the Currency 2 field will get an update automatically based on the Currency 1.