Consider sorting the territories in the Customers App of Apptivo.
- In the Customers App of Apptivo, select Settings from the App Header.
- In the Settings page, select Customers → Territories from the left navigation panel.
- From the Territories page, you can see there are two tabs: All and Enabled.
- The territories that are enabled will be listed under the Enabled tab.
- The All tab contains both enabled and disabled territories. When a territory is disabled, it will be moved automatically from the Enabled tab to the All tab.
- In the Customers App Home page, the enabled territories alone will be listed in the left panel when you filter records by territory.
- You can view up to 25 territories in the left menu. To view more than 25 territories at a time, select View More.
- All territories will be listed in alphabetical order. You can click a particular territory name to view the associated records.