Financial Summary in Kit orders shows the bottom-line earnings of an item. Kit orders from Apptivo help you to combine estimates, Purchase Orders, Supplier Invoices, and invoices into a single page for calculating the margins for the sales happened with a particular supplier.
To generate the complete Kit Order summary to have to perform the following steps.
- Create an Estimate with Item
- Convert Estimates into Kit Order
- Convert the Kit Order into an Invoice
- Convert PO into Supplier Invoice
- View Financial Summary
Create an Estimate with Item
- Login and access the Estimates App from the universal menu.
- Click on the Create New Estimates.
- In the Create Estimate page, add the mandatory details.
- Scroll down to view the Products/Item Sold.
- Add the Item and Quantity. Click on the + icon to add the supplier details.
- Add the Supplier details.
- Once the item and supplier details are added, then click on the create button.
- The Estimates will get created.
Convert Estimates into Kit Order
- In the Estimates Overview page, you can view the Convert button.
- Click on the Convert button and select the To Kit Orders.
- You will be directly redirected to the Create Kit Order page with the auto-populated details from the Estimates.
- Then, click on the create button at the bottom right corner of the page.
- The Kit Order will get created.
Convert the Kit Order into an Invoice
- Once the Kit order is created, you can view the Convert button on the Kit order overview page.
- Click on the Convert button and select the To Invoice.
- You will be redirected to the Create invoice page.
- The details of the Kit orders will get auto-populated to the Invoice fields.
- Click on the Email Invoice button.
- The Compose email side window will get open.
- Click on the Send button.
- Now, the invoice will get created and sent to the customer for approval.
Note: The PO will get created automatically once the Kit order is created. Click Here to enable the toggle to auto-create the PO.
Convert PO into Supplier Invoice
- Now, go to the Kit Orders app and select the created kit order from the list.
- Once the Kit order is created the PO will get created automatically.
- Click on the 360-degree tab, to view the associated PO.
- Click on the More Details to view the PO details.
- You will be redirected to the PO Overview page.
- In the PO Overview page, you can view the Convert button.
- Click on the Convert button and select the To Supplier Invoice.
- By clicking on the Convert button, you will directly be redirected to the Create supplier invoice page.
- You can view the details of the PO will get auto-populated in the create supplier invoice.
- Here, add the created invoice number.
- Then, click on the Create button at the bottom of the page.
- The PO will get converted to the Supplier invoices.
View Financial Summary
Note: Click Here to know how to customize the Financial summary to view in Kit Orders Overview page.
- Now, go to the Kit Orders app and select the created Kit order from the list.
- In the Kit Order Overview page, you can view the complete financial summary.
- The Gross Profit is Calculated by the formula is Profit = Inv - Supplier inv.
- The Gross Profit Percentage is Calculated by the formula Profit % = Profit * 100 / Inv.