In the Miscellaneous Receipt App of Apptivo, users can create two types of Quick Links:
- Create Links
- Create Popups
- Select the Settings icon from the App Header of the Miscellaneous Receipt App.
- In the Settings page, select General → Quick Links from the left navigation panel.
- Click the Add button in the Quick Links Page.
Create Links
- In the Create Quick Link popup, add a name and URL for the Quick Link.
- On selecting create, a new Quick Link is created.
- This Quick Link will be available in the left navigation panel of the App’s Home Page.
- Select the Quick Link to redirect to the specified URL.
Create Popups
- In the Create Quick Link popup, add a name for the Quick Link. Choose the Popup radio button and add a message to be displayed in the popup.
- Select create to create a new Quick Link.
- This Quick Link will be listed in the left navigation panel of the Home Page. Click on the Quick Link to view the popup.