When you want your table view in the Notes activity to display with your required fields, you can make use of the List Layout feature in the Notes to achieve it.
- In the Notes Activity of your Apptivo account, select the Settings icon from the App Header.
- You will be redirected to the Settings page. Here, choose Customize App → List Layout from the left panel.
- The List Layout page will come into view. Select Create to create a new list layout.
- A new layout Default is added to the List Layout page.
- To rename the layout, hover your mouse over the layout name to bring forth the pencil icon.
- Click on the pencil icon to rename the selected List Layout’s name. You can see the layout is renamed as Employees Notes on clicking outside the name field.
- Apart from renaming the layout name, you can also decide on the attributes (fields) to appear while opting for a particular layout in the table view.
- Select the display dropdown. You can see the list of attributes available in the Notes activity.
- To remove an attribute from the layout, untick the attribute from the dropdown. Here, the Tags attribute is removed.
- To add an attribute from the layout, tick the attribute from the dropdown. Here, the description attribute is added.
- Now, go to the Home Page of the Notes Activity. Switch to Table View.
- The Table View page loads in your browser. By default, the layout is displayed based on the Overview layout.
- Select the Display dropdown. The created list layout Employee Notes will be listed.
- On selecting Employees Notes, the table view will display the attributes as per the configuration.