Customers App of Apptivo lets you indicate the status of specific customers. Customers tend to vary as the business grows. However, maintaining a database of all the customers is definitely needed for the long-running of a business. To differentiate the availability of customers, Apptivo has introduced the Status feature. You can use the existing status or create a new status to indicate the customer’s status with a business.
Mathew is an employee in the Support Department. They reach out to different customers asking for feedback to provide a better product. While doing so, it came to his notice that some of the customers are available only during a particular month of the year. It will be an inconvenience to the customers if they are disturbed during the hiatus. So, he creates a status to indicate customers who are in hiatus.
Steps to create Status
You can create statuses from two different sections in the Customers App. You can create from the Settings page and while creating a new customer.
From Settings Page
- Go to Settings in the Customers App. In the Settings, go to Customers → Statuses.
- In the Statuses page, select Create to create a new status.
- In the Create Status popup, add a name and description for the status. Select Create.
- This status will be available while creating or editing a customer.
From Create Customer Page
- You can create a new status while creating a customer. Select Add New in the Status Dropdown of the Create Customer page.
- In the Create Status popup, add a name and description for the status. Select Create.
- A new status is created. This status is added to the Status dropdown.
- This will also be available on the Settings page where you can manage your statuses.