Associated Object report in Apptivo helps you to get the accurate reports with filters for the activities related to the Cases App. Mostly, it helps to get the associated reports with the CRM apps and Collaboration activities related to particular cases. So, you will get clear information about the cases and their close activities.
Steps to create the Associated Object Report
- Login and access the Apptivo’s Home Page.
- Click on the Task from the Collaboration Activities.
- Click on the More(...) icon and select Settings.
- Then, click Reports on the Left Menu and select Associated Object Report.
- To create a customized report, click on the create button.
- In the Create Associated Object Report Page, set the name of the report. For example, Clay is creating this report for Cases App, so he set the name as Cases Activity Report.
- Give some description of the report that is for your reference.
- In the Associated Object Dropdown, select the Cases App from the list.
- In the Activity Task area, you can set the Filter Attributes for the report.
- Here, Task Activity is selected, so you can view the Task activities attributes to select for the Filter.
- For Filter attributes, Name, Assigned to, Start Date and the Status is selected.
- In the Search Result Column Attributes, you can customize the attributes for the view report.
- Here, all the attributes of the Task Activity are selected from the Available Attributes to the Selected Attributes.
- In the Associated Object: Cases, you can customize the Cases App attributes for the Filter Attributes and View Report.
- In the Filter Attributes, you can view the attributes of the Cases app. Select the attributes that you want to add as a filter attribute.
- For Filter attributes Type, Priority, Created On and the Need By Date is selected.
- In the Search Result Column Attributes, you can customize the attributes for the view report.
- Here, all the attributes of the Cases app are selected from the Available Attributes to the Selected Attributes.
- Then, click on the Create Button at the bottom right corner.
- You can view the Created Object Report on the List.
- Now, go the Cases App, click on the Reports.
- Under the General Reports, you can view the created Cases Activity Report.
- Here, you can view the selected attributes of the Task Information and the Case Information as of the Filters.
- Click on the View Report.
- By Clicking the Export button, you can export the resulted report.
- You can view the exported report in the .csv excel file.