Apptivo helps you to associate with all the other apps. You can perform the conversion by associating apps according to your needs. Properties App helps you to enable Custom Conversion by letting you associate with any other apps in Apptivo. You can convert the property to an Invoice by Mapping the attributes and you can create a conversion through simple steps.
- Login and access Properties App from the universal navigation menu bar.
- Now open the property for which you need to enable custom conversion.
- Now select More details option from the App header and select Settings.
- Go to Settings → Properties →Conversion.
- You will be directed to the custom conversion page.
- You can choose the App from the drop-down list to which you wish to convert.
- Here we have selected the Invoice app, click Create.
- Once you select the app to which you wish to convert the conversion will get created. If you enable Allow conversion multiple times you can perform any number of conversion as possible. If you disable the Allow conversion multiple times then you can perform conversion only once.
- You will be directed to the Invoice mapping fields, here you can select the attributes that you wish to convert to the invoice. First associate the activities that you wish to map with the invoice app.
- Scroll down the page and try to map the attributes of the Properties app and the Invoice app before you perform the conversion. Here you can see the attributes mapped with each other.
- Now open the property record to which you need to perform the conversion. Here you can see the attributes converted according to the mapping you performed in the previous stage.
- Now click on the Convert button situated towards the right side of your page and click on convert To invoice.
- You will be directed to the Invoice app and you can see the attributes mapped and ready for the invoice closure.
- Now add a service or item to which you wish to generate an Invoice. Once you fill in the details the Invoice will be created and saved.
- These are the steps you should follow to enable custom conversion.