How to create Types and Subtypes in Properties app?

Updated on September 9, 2020 06:09AM by Admin

With Properties App, you can store information on the property that the buyer gets from the seller. You can also feed every single detail about the property. This helps you to avoid confusion when you deal with a large number of properties simultaneously. The Properties App allows you to create Types and subtypes of your property

  • Login and access the Properties app from the universal navigation menu bar.

  • You can create the Type & Subtypes in advance.
  • Note: Only the Admin or whoever has access to the Settings can create the Type & Subtypes.
  • Go to Settings in the App header.

  • Go to Properties → Types & Sub Types from the left navigation panel.
  • You will be directed to the Types & Sub Types page.

  • Either create a Type & Sub Type or use the existing Types & Sub types. The existing one is selected here.

  • Once the necessary customization is complete, create or update a property record.

  • You will find the Type and Subtype field on the Overview page.

  • For instance: When you click on Type field, the pre-registered Type will be available in the drop-down box. Here, it’s selected as Warehouse.

  • Select a sub type from the dropdown available in SubType field. Here, it’s selected as Packing Warehouse.

  • This is how you create the Type and Subtype categories in the Properties App. You can also create a new type or sub type from the overview page of a property.