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How to view the campaign launch history in Apptivo’s Campaign app?
Updated on March 20, 2020 12:46AM by Admin
Campaign Launch History helps you to analyze the launches that are made in the past. It also helps to view the history of sent emails along with the details of the date and recipients.
Steps to follow
- Login and access the Campaign app from the Universal navigation bar.
- Select the Campaign to view the launch history and click on the Overview.

- In the Overview, you can find the Launch History at the bottom of the page.

- In Launch History, you can get to view the columns of # of Emails Sent, Utilized From free Quota, Utilized from Daily quota, Utilized from pay as you go, Launched On and launched By.
- # of Emails Sent - This will show the count of emails sent by the single campaign.
- Utilized from Free Quota - Depending on your firm plans you will be getting free emails for the users. In this, you can view the count of emails used as per the quota limit.
- Utilized from the Daily quota - Same as the free quota, you will be getting the total email count as per the daily usage.
- Utilized from the Pay as you go - Depending on your usage you can buy the emails. In this column, you can view the count of those emails.
- Launched On - This will show the date and time of the sent emails.
- Launched By - This will show the name of the user who sent the emails.

- And you can view the Total count of the Emails and Remaining Emails.
- Go to settings → Campaign → Email Quota. Here, you can view the Monthly email quota plans, Total Emails count, Used Emails count and Remaining Emails count.
- In addition, you can view the Purchase History as per your usage

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