How to set the access level for the Associated Objects in the CRM App?

Updated on February 17, 2020 03:44AM by Admin

Apptivo’s CRM Apps allows you to associate the records of other CRM Apps to a particular App. This enables easy access to data and allows you to understand the association among various records. You can set the access levels for the associated tables in the CRM Apps. You can decide who can add or create a record in the Associated tables in Apptivo.

For Instance: Let us consider configuring the access level from the Contacts App.

  • Go to SettingsSecurityAccess LevelAssociated Access Level.
Access Level

  • By default, based on the access level for the Contacts App, Employees can access the records.
  • You can set two types of access levels to the associated tables.

Access to All

If the access is set as All in Associated Table Access, then all Employees who have access to the Contacts App can add or create new records to the Associated Table.

Access to All

For Instance: Let us consider adding records to the Leads association table for a Contact.

  • Now, an Employee to whom the Contact is not assigned but has access to the Contacts App can associate new records from the Leads App to the particular Contact.
Lead Access

Note: To associate records from other Apps in Apptivo, the Employee must have access to the other apps as well.

Employee Only Access

If the access is set as Employee Only in Associated Table Access, then only the Super Users and the Employee to whom the Contact is ‘assigned to’ have access to add or create new records to the Associated Table.

Employee Only Access

For Instance: Let us consider adding records to the Leads association table for a Contact. Now, a user to whom the Contact is not assigned but has access to the Contacts App tries to add or create a new lead.

Access Restricted

The Employee will not be able to achieve it as the feature is hidden.


If you would like to give access to an Employee to add or create records in the association table even when the Contact is not assigned to them, then you can add the Employee to the Exception list.


For Instance: Let us consider adding records to the Leads association table for a Contact. Now, a user to whom the Contact is not assigned but is added to the Exceptions list of the Contacts App tries to add or create a new lead.

Access Available

The Employee will be able to achieve it as the Employee is added to the Exceptions list.