How to share a document in the Documents App?

Updated on February 6, 2020 03:15AM by Admin

Sharing documents is very important especially in an organization where restricted document access is inevitable. Along with adding a document to the Documents App, you can also share it.

For Instance: Let us consider sharing a document with another Employee.

  • Go to the Documents AppMy Documents. Here, select the document which is to be shared.
My Document
  • On selection, you will be prompted with a popup. Here, select share.
Share File
  • You will be redirected to the ‘Share Folder Settings’ popup, Here, you can select the Employee or team with whom the document is to be shared.
Share Folder Setting
  • In the Select an Employee/Team page, you can select either an Employee or a team for sharing.
  • Once the Employee/Team is selected, you can see Documents App provides a pre-defined message. You can also edit it.
  • Once the document is shared, it will appear in the Shared Folders section of the selected Team/Employee.
Image Shared