Opportunities App in Apptivo allows you to convert records from Opportunities App to any other App. Along with mapping the attributes, you can also map the tables present in the Opportunities App with any other App. However, there might be instances where you want the data in the table to be converted only when a particular criterion matches. You can set criteria while mapping tables in the Opportunities App.
For Instance: Let us convert an Opportunity to Estimates from the Opportunities App.
- Go to Settings → Opportunities → Conversion → Custom Conversion in the Opportunities App. Select Mapping to map the attributes.
- In the Estimates Mapping Fields page, select the attributes to be mapped.
- On scrolling down, you have the ability to map the tables. Select ‘Please choose’ section of a table and select the attributes.
- Here, you can enable set criteria to decide when the table’s attributes have to be mapped.
- Now, select Set Criteria to redirect to the Set Criteria page. Here, the criteria are set to load the data of the tables only when the Item Name is Spectacles.
- Map the attributes for tables and save the changes. Then, select a record to be converted into the Estimates App.
- Since Items Table is to be mapped, item details are added from the Items tab.
- Now, select Convert → To Estimates from the Overview page.
- In the Create Estimate page, along with the attributes, you can see the Items table is also mapped as the criteria match. You can add other values and save them.
- In case if the criteria do not match, then the table values will not be mapped.