Why don't I find my Contacts synced from Apptivo in Google?

Updated on June 12, 2019 08:08AM by Admin

google my contacts

On successful configuration, two new groups will appear inside of each user’s Google account:


  • Apptivo [Company Name] Contacts
  • Apptivo [Company Name] Employees

All contacts synced from Apptivo will appear in the “Apptivo Contacts” group created newly. Expand the "My Contacts" and check for Apptivo Contacts and Employees group.

apptivo contacts group


  • The synchronization of contacts between Google and Apptivo will take a while to complete based on the number of contacts. We request you to wait for a few minutes and then check if the contacts have been synchronized.
  • Check the Last Sync Time in the Contacts Synchronization page to see if the sync was performed.
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