How do I Customize the Creation of new Object records?

Updated on February 21, 2018 02:38AM by Admin

Apptivo allows you to customize and restrict the creation of new object records of an app from another app. Consider the Opportunities App, where you can associate existing customers or create new customers from the Opportunity creation page (by clicking on “+” icon). In order to restrict the creation of new customers from the Opportunities App, customize the “Customer” settings option. Follow the steps below to customize the creation of new object record.

Steps to Customize the Creation of new Object records

  1. Login and access to Opportunities App from the Universal Navigation menu bar.
  2. Click on the “Create” button to create a new opportunity. You can view the “+” icon
    near the “Customer” field by which you can create a new Customer for the Opportunity.
    create new opportunity
  3. Now, if you want to restrict the creation of new customer for the Opportunity, move on to “More -> Settings” from the App header bar.
  4. You will be directed to the Settings page. Move on to “Customize App -> Master Layout” from the left navigation panel.
    master layout
  5. The master layout will be opened. Click on the “Customer” field and you will be opened with “Inspector” tab. Under “Standard Behaviour”, Create toggle will be in enabled mode.
    disable create toggle
  6. For restricting, disable the toggle and click on “Save” button to make changes updated.
  7. Now, when moving to “Create” opportunity page, the “+” icon in the “Customer” field will not be available by which you cannot create a new customer.
    customers cant be created