How do I Create a Project Template?

Updated on April 12, 2021 05:06AM by Admin

Projects App in Apptivo allows you to create Templates for the Projects created. When your business is working on similar kinds of projects, it is the best course of action to have a template to save time. Apptivo’s Projects App allows you to create templates for the Projects.

  • Login and access the Projects app from the universal menu.
  • Click on the More(...) icon and select Settings.

  • From the Settings → Projects App -> Template. Select Create to create a new Project Template.

  • In the Create Template page, add the information regarding the template.
Create Template

Name: Add a name for the Project template.

Description: Make use of this attribute to give brief information on the template.

Status: Here, you can set the status of the Project.

Priority: You can decide the priority of the Project here.

Customer: You can add the name of the Customer.

Project Manager: Use this attribute to add the Project Manager name.

Template Information

Template Visibility

Template Visibility: If you want the template to be visible while creating a Project, enable the visibility toggle.

Template Visibility

Visible To: You can make use of this section to decide to whom the template should be visible.

Visible To
  • Click on the (+) icon to add more Employees. In the Employee Search and Select page, you can add Employees.
Employees Search

  • You can see another Employee is added.
Employee Added

  • Select Create. A new template is created. Once the template is created, you will have the provision to perform different Actions.
Template Created

  • Select Quick Actions, you have the provision to add Activities, Project Setup, and Communication.
Quick Actions

Activities - You can create tasks and add follow-ups.

Project Setup - Here, you can add new Milestone, Requirement, or Case.

Communication - With the help of Communication, you can decide whether to send an email to the Employee’s Team or to the entire Team.

  • Consider creating a New Milestone from Project Setup. “Create Milestone” side panel will appear. Add the information related to the Milestone and select Create.
Create Milestone

  • The created Milestone is added to the Template.
Milestone Created

  • Similarly, you can perform other actions using Quick Actions in the Project Template. You can create multiple templates in Projects App.